Horses require constant care and attention and we are always in need of dedicated and qualified volunteers. Volunteers provide a foundation for our sanctuary and without them, we wouldn't be where we are today. We value your time and appreciate your interest in choosing to volunteer with Noble. As a volunteer at Noble Horse Sanctuary, you can expect to assist with daily cleaning, feeding, grooming, hand walking and turn out.
Noble Sanctuary accepts the service of volunteers ages 21 and above with the under- standing that such service is at the sole discretion of the sanctuary. Volunteers agree that at any time, for whatever reason, we may terminate the volunteer/s relationship with the sanctuary. Noble Sanctuary may also make changes in the nature of volunteer assignments as we see fit. A volunteer may at any time, for whatever reason, decide to sever the volunteer relationship with the organization. Notice of such a decision should be communicated as soon as possible to the volunteer coordinator.
Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volun- teer, whether this information involves a single volunteer, coordinator of the sanctuary, or other person or involves the overall business of Noble Horse Sanctuary.